Venue: Zwartkops
Date: 8th October 2016
Event: Historic Tour
At dawn, the team slowly makes its way to the location for the day, Zwartkops. Nerves have got the best of everyone. No one knows what the day will unfold. We have all been impressed with Fossa’s performance at the previous events. We can only believe that it will keep improving as we keep trying out different methods, technically, so as to ensure that she performs at her peak level in 2016 with 1960 technology.

Fossa sizing out her competition Pic: Petrus Motsoko
At they go out for their qualifier rounds, Fossa sizes up her competition. Driver is also nervous as he has no idea what Fossa will be doing on the track. Eventually the cars come back into the pits having completed their qualifiers. Now we eager to hear what the driver has to tell us about Fossa’s performance, “Well she is driving fine, but I had no brakes.” Then as the crew, we immediately got to work, jacking up Fossa to bleed the brakes while waiting for the results for the qualifiers.
After getting the air bubbles out of Fossa’s system, we received news that Fossa actually did very well on the qualifiers despite her lack of brakes.

Fossa pulling out of the pits for her first heat Pic: Petrus Motsoko
With Fossa now all prepped up and shiny, she pulls out of the pits for the first heat. The times could only keep improving now that we have fully operational brakes. Fuel tanks is full, oil is on the right level as well as water. Chris holds nothing as he and Fossa do a good job keeping the competition at bay.

Fossa can be seen coming hot around the corner Pic: Petrus Motsoko
Just to prove how tough it was, Fossa was always coming hot around the corner, as the competition was looking for any opportunity to pass Fossa by. Chris did a great job piloting Fossa around Zwartkops, at high speeds while managing to stay on the grey stuff as some people ended up going off-roading as sights of dust were a common trend through-out the day.

Three wheels on the road Pic: Petrus Motsoko
Fossa sometimes came around the corner with only three wheels on the road surface. To us that’s a sign that Fossa as well as the driver, Chris, are no synchronized and focused on delivering a good performance. The lap times keep on improving and the smiles on our faces keep on getting bigger.

The cars come back into the pits Pic: Petrus Motsoko
The vehicles can be seen coming back into the pits after a very tight battle on the track. No driver was holding back. Seeing that its almost the end of the season,, drivers want to score maximum scores so as to improve their positions on the leader board.
We then give Fossa some TLC and let her rest before the final heat for the day. Everyone is feeling good today as everything was working well. Fossa stayed together for the entire event. Nothing broke down.
Soon it was time for the last heat. The driver and machine were all ready and we were sure that they would do their best. So we wished them luck, and saw them off. It was clear that they meant serious business.

Fossa showing the competition a thing or two Pic: Petrus Motsoko
We were in the spectator sections cheering the team on as they put on a good performance keeping the competition at bay.

Fossa continuing to showing the competition a thing or two Pic: Petrus Motsoko

Fossa kept this performance up the whole race Pic: Petrus Motsoko
The competition really tried, but they could not overcome Fossa’s pace. She was on another level with this event. We were all speechless and very much impressed. We might not have physically timed Fossa but we knew for sure that her lap times were much lower than earlier in the day.
As the day reached its end, we loaded Fossa onto her trailer, and went for the prize giving. We clapped for people who went to collect their various trophy’s. Eventually the announcers got to our category, and our team was called to come and collect its prize.

Fossa & Chris Pics: Petrus Motsoko
We managed to get a 2nd Position prize in our category. Congratulations go out to the Pit Crew, Chris and Fossa. It was definitely a job well-done. We will continue to work together to see to it that Fossa performs at her peak always.